About Us empowering education

Indian Education System

is more of stress rather than learning. It hardly focuses on clearing the concepts of students because its major concern is a percentage that has made students crammers. It is quite dull in approach with lots of homework and assignments. It is rightly said-“You can have a bachelor’s degree and still be an idiot”, which has been prevailing around us for the last so many years. With Gyanacharya, we are bringing a positive change in the education pattern.


How We are different

Through GyanAcharya we aim to make learning fun. Describing topics by doing activities as opposed to just completing a 40 minutes lecture theoretically where the majority of the students can be found drowsy in the class.

Experienced Team

“Every source of knowledge experiences”-Albert Einstein. We the team of GyanAcharya meet this requirement by having expert professional staff with prior experience. Our tutors are very passionate about their job additionally they are patient and creative in approach.